There are a few key direct mail marketing best practices that will help your business reach more customers and grow your brand. Whether you’re new to the world of direct marketing or are an experienced professional, it’s important to know the best ways to approach your next campaign.
1. Ensure that you’re targeting the right audience
As with any other form of advertising, it’s vital to create a target list for your direct mail campaigns. This list should be selected to reflect the demographics of your customer base. If you send your mail out to people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer, you’ll be wasting time and money.
2. Use personalized materials
One of the most overlooked aspects of your direct mail campaign is how it looks. Using custom paper and other materials can really make your message stand out from the crowd. This will give your mail piece a personal touch, which can be a powerful tool for engagement and conversion.
3. Include a compelling offer
A compelling offer can be the difference between a mailing that gets tossed in the trash or a mailer that generates interest. In fact, a study by the National Postal Forum found that people are more likely to engage with an offer than information alone.
4. Include a call to action
A strong CTA is an essential part of any direct mail marketing campaign. A good CTA is attention-grabbing, memorable, and easy to follow. It should tell the customer why you’re sending them this piece of mail, and what they can do with it – whether that be signing up for a contest, entering a sweepstakes, or taking part in an online survey.